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Tech improvements & Peekaboo movie let's gooo

This week we worked diligently to consolidate all the features into a single component, including movement and pupil detection. We also developed a remote control button for parents in the car and initiated discussions on the final design of the product. Concurrently, we drafted a script for our graduation video and adapted it for video clips. Furthermore, we compiled a 20-second pitch for a presentation aimed at our mentors.

Furthermore, we collaborated with the industrial designer on the final prototype. We created a 3D model that incorporates the electrical components, camera, and Raspberry Pi. Simultaneously, we worked on finalizing the development and algorithm for detecting the child's gaze.

In this project, we utilized tools from the computer vision field. We developed software that triggers the servo motor when the camera detects that the child is not looking toward the mirror, creating the nudging effect. 

As part of the technological advancements, we established the product's scenario, where the parent is responsible for activating the mirror when the child is in the car. Through pupil recognition technology integrated into the mirror, if the child goes 30 seconds without making eye contact, the mirror initiates a nudge. The nudging stops once the child gazes upwards and establishes eye contact with the parent through the mirror. The nudging feature activates only once per interaction.

Furthermore, we crafted a pitch for the upcoming presentation to the mentors and started developing the slideshow.

And at the same time, we started shooting our movie based on the script we wrote.


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