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First Presentation

This week, we had the opportunity to present our domain to the course faculty and our classmates. In preparation for the presentation, we diligently conducted research, and interviews, and refined our understanding of the relationship between screen time and parent-child relationships. Following the constructive feedback received, we made a strategic decision to narrow our focus to the interaction between parents and their children while driving.

Our rationale stems from the recognition that "car time" represents a unique opportunity for parents and children to connect in a confined space, providing a conducive environment for conversation, sharing, and bonding. However, we acknowledged that the pervasive use of the child's phone screen during this time can disrupt these valuable interactions. Consequently, our current research is geared towards exploring potential solutions to address this issue.

Additionally, we made the decision to target children in the 10-12 age group, recognizing this as a critical developmental stage where parental engagement remains influential. As we enter the fifth week of our project, our focus shifts towards conducting more targeted interviews and delving into a more in-depth exploration of our new domain, while also examining existing solutions available in the market.


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