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Refined a persona & Flow & Scenario

In the last meeting and throughout the following week, we refined the persona, created a step-flow for the product, and formulated a scenario. In preparation for the upcoming meeting with the mentors this Sunday, we endeavored to distill all of these elements into one cohesive story—spanning from the identification of the problem to the proposed solution that aligns with our persona.

At this stage, we are encountering challenges in devising a method to encourage the child to initiate the conversation. Consequently, we have proposed two options. The first involves the use of a bone-shaped keychain that will activate the robot, and the same keychain will allow the child to provide feedback on the conversation upon exiting the car. The second option entails a collaborative touch between the parent and the child with the robot at the conclusion of the ride—a gesture aimed at fostering commitment and positive feedback for the interaction that transpired.


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